22 November 2011

Mundus vult decipi, part II

Here we go again.

To the delight of skeptical idiots like Anthony Watts and the Tea Party, someone has leaked e-mails that were stolen from the computers of a number of respected climate scientists.

They're calling in Climategate 2.0.  Incredible.

(Please note: if you waste my time trying to talk about this, I'll defriend you on Facebook.)

Like Climategate 1.0, these e-mails will no doubt be taken out of context and used by the right to "disprove" the science of climate change.  Words like uncertainty and scheme and error will be reprinted in the media with no explanation of their scientific meanings, and rightwing blowhards will latch onto this non-issue like they did last time. Cue Sarah Palin, and RIP EPA.

With Durban fast approaching, it's very obvious that whoever's behind this is politically motivated and cares little about the scientific process or uncovering the truth.  It's a pathetic attempt to shift the dialogue from the consequences of climate change (and what we can do to prepare for them) to the legitimacy of climate science in general, which will do nothing but delay climate negotiations.

What's even more pathetic is that it'll probably work. Again.

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