23 June 2011

please stop lying, part 2

it's hard not to be vulgar when you watch a video like this.

michele bachmann is LYING, and she knows it. the EPA does not "kill" jobs, and american energy producers, oil companies and coal miners are some of the least regulated in the world, especially for a developed country.

i talked about this in my last post, but i would be remiss not to mention it again: the porter hypothesis says that intensifying regulations increases innovation, competitiveness and the overall well-being of the economy. regulations - as well as penalties for breaking those regulations - do not hurt an industry; rather, they provide an incentive for that industry to be more efficient. companies that can't cope will fail, but they are replaced by stronger companies that can. for a person who purports to wholeheartedly support free-market capitalism and touts american exceptionalism from every soapbox she manages to slither onto, michele bachmann really doesn't seem to have much faith in our nation's industrial capabilities.

but what about the EPA's other role? do we really not need a federal agency whose sole purpose is to protect our natural environment? what about the people who live near fracking (hydraulic fracturing) sites - people whose tap water is literally flammable (sidenote: PLEASE take a few minutes to watch that link, a trailer for the documentary gasland) because of the chemicals being pumped 1000s of feet underground to extract oil? what about people who live near poorly regulated landfills, like the one in houston, mississippi? in a review of literature conducted by the national institutes of health in 2000, researchers demonstrated a disturbing correlation between a community's proximity to a landfill and the incidence of health problems among residents. some of these afflictions include adult and childhood leukemia; respiratory illnesses; lung, bladder, stomach and rectal cancer; cardiac defects; psychological disorders; low birth weight and birth defects, among others. studies also found a significant correlation between the amount of tap water a pregnant woman drinks and the likelihood she will miscarry.

this research very convincingly illustrates the need for a powerful agency that regulates what people can and can't do to our environment. if you think a company like waste management or exxon mobile or american electric power (aep) is concerned for your health, even in the least, you're an idiot. plain and simple.

at some point you have to ask yourself what you're willing to give up to cling to some backwards, almost archaic concept of "free market" ideals. economically, and in the "free market," it makes sense to allow companies to drill for oil wherever and however they want, even if it means a few thousand more people will die of cancer and a few thousand more babies will be born with birth defects, or not born at all. profits will be higher because of it, and let's face it, those people probably weren't going to buy that much gasoline anyway. sure, it would be great if companies were willing to regulate themselves for the good of mankind, but it's very clear that they don't, and at some point, the government has a moral responsibility to make them.

we HAVE to do something about our politicians who knowingly lie to us for the sake of padding their CEO friends and donors' pocketbooks. a first step in doing that is demanding the truth from people like michele bachmann and many (if not most) of her GOP colleagues. the second step is demanding that they adopt responsible political positions on environmental issues, whether you're a republican or a democrat, and hold them accountable when they don't.

repealing the already too weak EPA won't create jobs, but it will definitely cost us more lives. the health of our communities is clearly at stake, and michele bachmann has proved that she's willing to toss that aside for a chance to spew some hollow "job" rhetoric. shame on her, and shame on everyone who thinks what she's doing is alright.

pardon my french, but this is bullshit.

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